CRADLE OF FILTH Guitarist Starts 'Dark Art' Project

December 2, 2006

CRADLE OF FILTH guitarist Paul Allender has started a "dark art project," dubbed VOMITORIUM, with photographer Cindy Frey. More information will soon be available at

According to a posting on CRADLE OF FILTH's official web site, rumor has it that the band will fly over a few days prior to the start of its U.S. tour in late January to shoot a video with friend Bam Margera ("Jackass", "Viva La Bam") and may even appear on his new TV show, "Bam's Unholy Matrimony". No further details are currently available.

CRADLE OF FILTH has recruited Czech drummer Marthus (real name: Martin Å karoupka) to replace Adrian Erlandsson. Martin was born on January 20, 1981 in the Czech Republic and has previously played with GALACTIC INDUSTRY and INNER FEAR, among other bands. "A fine gent whose skills are second to none," Martin "will be continuing to play on the rest of the tour," CRADLE OF FILTH writes in a statement. "Those of you who have already seen us you will know that Martin is more than qualified for the job!"

CRADLE OF FILTH's new album, "Thornography", has sold 29,000 copies in the United States since its October 17 release, according to Nielsen SoundScan. The follow-up to 2004's "Nymphetamine" was recorded at Lincolnshire, England's Chapel studios with producer Rob Caggiano (BLEEDING THROUGH, ANTHRAX) and was mixed at Backstage Studios in Derbyshire, England by Andy Sneap (MACHINE HEAD, SKINLAB, NEVERMORE).

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